Hi to all my wonderful craft blog land friends, will creaping and flattery help me ask for your assistance, I hope so.
I am going to try and put this on automatic post as I won't be around later to do it as today my 15 year old son goes into hospital for a repeat of some surgery on his right ankle that failed. to say he is anxious is an understatement and in his words he can't understand why he is so nervous when he has had so many operations in the teens that he can remember . Many of those operations have lasted more than 6 hours in surgery too.
Andrew my wonderful caring and loving and considerate (most of the time) was born prematurely at 27 weeks and 3 days, we were told if he weighed 2lb he would be a good size but he weighed more 2lb 13oz which stunned everyone. I think I would have had an e4lephant had I gone to term. He is now a strapping 6 foot + I don't know his exact height as when he got to 5ft 10 in 2 years ago I stopped measuring but as he keeps needing new trousers as they are too short I suspect 6ft+. he was initially given a 1-2 % survival rate so we prepared ourselves for the worst and cherished each of those early days as if they were his last. He went through the book of neonatal problems as well as doing daft things like pulling out stitched in chest drains for collapsed lungs despite the drain being only slightly smaller than hai arm. If anyone in intrested I will find a picture of him in the neonatal unit.
Well to cut a long story short at 18months old I noticed he was walking on the inside of his foot and suspected we hadn't got away with his early arrival scott free and took him to his paediatrician and suggested he may have some form of cerebral palsy. Unfortunately I was agreed with and the long road began. He has had his thigh bones cut and rotated so has plates in them, his hips dislocated and the sockets shaved to make them deeper, bone grafts and pins put in his feet to try and straighten them and his ankles fused, as well as minor operatons along the way.
All this as well as pain when things aren't right along with being a teenager would be enough but Andrew has been bullied at school too throughout his whole secondary school life on and off consequently his self esteem and confidence don't take much to knock it.
I know many other crafters have and are asking for cards to be made and sent for much more worthy causes but I would love my son to have a boost of confidence to help him recover speedily and help him though this stressful time as until he knows the surgery this time has been successful I'm sure he will be worrying and that means at least 6 to 8 weeks of him getting worried.
Will have to go now to get his breakfast as he can't have anything after 7:30 will let you all know how things go later.
Sorry for the delay in posting but time at the hospital doesn't leave much time for anything else.
Andrew is now on his second day post op and doing well, still on stong pain relief but otherwise happy. The unfortunate news is he has to be non weight bearing for at least 6 weeks till he's reviewed but has to have a pop change and sutures out in 3 weeks. That means home schooling as school won't take him good old health and safety gone mad again so have spent ages on the phone and away from my baby( oh how he would cringe) sorting out that and putting in the requests and begging for school to sort out some work etc hope all the info and messages are relayed by those I spoke to so I don't have to chase it all up again.
Well got to dash just got some more requests from my son via text message as to what else he wants me to take in later today, its nice in one way that he is so comfortable being there and with the staff but not in another as it just shows how much time he's spent in hospital to feel that way.
Well thankyou if you have stuck with all my ramblings so far and now for my begging request. If anyone fancies making a card and sending it to my son to help break the monotomy of the weeks that are to follow and make him see that people care and give him some contact with the outside world could you would you any of you like to send him a card to cheer him along the way. The only thing I request is that you don't put boys running around on 2 good legs on it as I think that might add insult to injury so to speak but I'm sure anything else would be appreciated. He has already set himself the long term goal that he would like to be walking without a frame or with a stick by the time he is 18 only just over 2 years away and he's only 2 days post op!
Thankyou for taking the time if you've stuck with me so far it is so much appreciated and if you drop me an email I will send you a snail mail address thankyou all so very much .
Friday - Andrew my son, can't remember if I told you his name , has been up and down yesturday wasn't a good day as the nerve blocks wore off and he was having alot of pain and pins and needles in his leg that was in pot. He had his pot split last night to relieve the pressure and thankfully the pins and needles subsided over night and he had a much better night. Today he has stopped his IV drugs and has managed to cope with only a low pain on oral drugs and is looking forward to coming home , hopefully over the weekend. Many thanks for all your kind comments and support and for those intrested will keep you posted on his progress and reaction to your cards as I haven't told him anyone will be sending them as I thought that would add to the suprise. Thankyou all again you are all such kind and wonderful people.